This is retained here for historical reasons (it's the list I put together in November 2011 when I was relaunching toybox). I then used this file to create roadmap.html, and that's the one I've kept updated since. This one is years out of date now, if you want current information go to instead of here. -------------------------------------------------------- commands that should probably be in 1.0 (roadmap list is probably newer): at awk basename bc bunzip2 bzcat bzip2 cal cat catv chgrp chmod chown chroot chvt cksum cmp comm count cp cpio csplit cut date dd df diff dirname dmesg dnsdomainname du echo egrep env expand expr false fgrep file find fold freeramdisk ftpd ftpget ftpput fuser getconf getty grep gunzip gzip halt hd head help hostname id ifconfig iftop init insmod install ioctl ionice join kill killall klogd less link ln logger login logname losetup ls lsmod lsof man md5sum mdev mkdir mkfifo mknod mkswap mktemp modprobe more mount mountpoint mv nc netcat netstat newgrp newfs_msdos nice nl nohup notify od oneit paste patch pathchk pgrep pidof ping ping6 pivot_root pkill poweroff printenv printf ps pwd readlink reboot renice rm rmdir rmmod route sed seq setsid sfdisk sh sha1sum sleep sort split start stat stop stty swapoff swapon switch_root sync syslogd tabs tac tail tar taskset tee telnet telnetd test time top touch tput tr true truncate tty umount uname unexpand uniq unlink unshare uptime usleep uudecode uuencode vconfig vi vmstat wc wget which who whoami xargs yes zcat --- Stuff I personally wrote (clean versions of) back in the BusyBox days: More or less ready to port: halt, poweroff, reboot, switch_root, nbd-client Needs work: sed losetup mount umount setuidgid init nbd-client mdev --- TODO Low hanging fruit (I have a plan for impelementing these): basename, eject, env, head, kill, ln, mkdir, mknod, mktemp, more, mountpoint, mv, detach, killall, pidof, ps, realpath, renice, rm, strings, sum, swapoff, swapon, time, touch, uniq, bzip2, uptime, usleep, watch, watchdog, whoami, xargs, tunctl, mkfifo, readlink, split General todo (not part of another group): adjtimex, awk, clear, cmp, comm, crontab, cut, date, dc, dd, dos2unix, du, find, fold, free, fuser, hdparm, hwclock, install, length, less, linux32, linux64, logger, ls, od, ntpdate, readahead, readprofile, setarch, start-stop-daemon, stat, stty, sysctl, tail, top, tr, unix2dos, vi, who, file borderline but SUSv4 wants 'em: at, batch, bc, man part of the shell (not actually standalone commands): sh bash alias break cd bg passwd: addgroup, adduser, chgrp, chmod, chown, delgroup, deluser, id, last, login, logname, passwd, sulogin, su pending: fdisk compression: gunzip, gzip, lzmacat, uncompress, unlzma, unzip, uptime, zcat lzcat lzma lzop unlzop lzopcat xz xzcat unxz init: init getty, runlevel shellish: expr, getopt, printenv, printf, test, pushd, popd obsoleteish: ed, fdflush, fdformat, freeramdisk, fsck.minix, makedevs, mkfs.minix, mt, pipe_progress, pivot_root, linuxrc, rdate, rx, uuencode, uudecode funky: dumpkmap, loadkmap, logread, dumpleases network: arp arping dig dnsdomainname brctl ifenslave ether-wake, hostid, hostname, ipaddr, ipcalc, ifconfig, ifdown, ifup, ip, iplink, iproute, iptunnel, nameif, netstat, nslookup, dig, ping, ping6, route, telnet, tftp, traceroute, vconfig, zcip ipv6: ping6 traceroute6 ping6 dhcp: dhcpcd dhcpd dhcprelay wget: wget curl ftp tftp ftpget ftpput daemons: crond, dnsd, fakeidentd, httpd, inetd, klogd, syslogd, telnetd, dhcpd tftpd ftpd archivers: ar, cpio, rpm2cpio, tar, unzip, zip terminal: deallocvt, fbset, loadfont, mesg, openvt, reset, setconsole, setkeycodes, setlogcons, vlock modules: insmod, lsmod, modprobe, rmmod, ldconfig, modinfo, depmod e2fs: mke2fs, e2fsck, chattr, tune2fs, lsattr, fsck, gene2fs, e2resize mkfs.ext2 fat: mkdosfs, mkfs.vfat regex: sed, grep, egrep, fgrep package management: dpkg, dpkg-deb, rpm stuff: diff ipcrm, ipcs hd hexdump hexedit run-parts nl SUSv4 leftovers: csplit expand getconf join lp mailx newgrp paste pathchk pax tabs talk tput write join newgrp paste pathchk tabs tput expand Busybox leftovers: ntpd whois lpr mkdosfs findfs volname blkid pgrep pkill showkey microcom ntpd slattach whois iprule ash hush [ [[ fgconsole chrt ionice shutdown groups mkpasswd cryptpw users sha256sum sha512sum fsync tac rev flock ttysize resize timeout blockdev lspci lsusb killall5 lpd lpq fbsplash script scriptreplay toolbox leftovers: alarm exists getevent getprop iftop ioctl log newfs_msdos notify powerd r readtty rotatefb schedtop sendevent setkey setprop smd syren vmstat watchprops wipe Maybe: screen,