view kconfig/lkc_proto.h @ 916:b92cb3cc9696

Stat cleanup. lib: rename format_mode() to mode_to_string() (echoing string_to_mode), make it take a normal char * argument. stat: collapse big switch/case statements that only have one line each into if/else staircase (much fewer lines of code). Remove return type (other stat implementations print ? for unknown escapes, so do that here). Inline do_stat() and do_statfs(). Set default string in normal local variable "format". Remove unnecessary struct d. Restructure stat logic to "if (flagf && !statfs()) else if (!flagf && !stat()) else perror_msg();" Teach %N to add -> symlink. Judicious use of putchar() instead of xputc to let FILE * do its job collating output.
author Rob Landley <>
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 00:24:24 -0500
parents 4d21d59f3206
line wrap: on
line source

/* confdata.c */
P(conf_parse,void,(const char *name));
P(conf_read,int,(const char *name));
P(conf_read_simple,int,(const char *name, int));
P(conf_write,int,(const char *name));

/* menu.c */
P(rootmenu,struct menu,);

P(menu_is_visible,bool,(struct menu *menu));
P(menu_get_prompt,const char *,(struct menu *menu));
P(menu_get_root_menu,struct menu *,(struct menu *menu));
P(menu_get_parent_menu,struct menu *,(struct menu *menu));

/* symbol.c */
P(symbol_hash,struct symbol *,[SYMBOL_HASHSIZE]);

P(sym_lookup,struct symbol *,(const char *name, int isconst));
P(sym_find,struct symbol *,(const char *name));
P(sym_re_search,struct symbol **,(const char *pattern));
P(sym_type_name,const char *,(enum symbol_type type));
P(sym_calc_value,void,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_get_type,enum symbol_type,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_tristate_within_range,bool,(struct symbol *sym,tristate tri));
P(sym_set_tristate_value,bool,(struct symbol *sym,tristate tri));
P(sym_toggle_tristate_value,tristate,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_string_valid,bool,(struct symbol *sym, const char *newval));
P(sym_string_within_range,bool,(struct symbol *sym, const char *str));
P(sym_set_string_value,bool,(struct symbol *sym, const char *newval));
P(sym_is_changable,bool,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_get_choice_prop,struct property *,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_get_default_prop,struct property *,(struct symbol *sym));
P(sym_get_string_value,const char *,(struct symbol *sym));

P(prop_get_type_name,const char *,(enum prop_type type));

/* expr.c */
P(expr_compare_type,int,(enum expr_type t1, enum expr_type t2));
P(expr_print,void,(struct expr *e, void (*fn)(void *, struct symbol *, const char *), void *data, int prevtoken));