view generated/README.txt @ 916:b92cb3cc9696

Stat cleanup. lib: rename format_mode() to mode_to_string() (echoing string_to_mode), make it take a normal char * argument. stat: collapse big switch/case statements that only have one line each into if/else staircase (much fewer lines of code). Remove return type (other stat implementations print ? for unknown escapes, so do that here). Inline do_stat() and do_statfs(). Set default string in normal local variable "format". Remove unnecessary struct d. Restructure stat logic to "if (flagf && !statfs()) else if (!flagf && !stat()) else perror_msg();" Teach %N to add -> symlink. Judicious use of putchar() instead of xputc to let FILE * do its job collating output.
author Rob Landley <>
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 00:24:24 -0500
parents 7cde22266e65
line wrap: on
line source

All the files in this directory except this README are generated by the
build.  (See scripts/

config.h: CFG_COMMAND and USE_COMMAND() macros set by menuconfig via .config. Kconfig entries for each command.  Included by top level
           The help text in here is used to generated help.h

help.h: Help text strings for use by "help" command.  Building this file
        requires python on the host system, so the prebuilt file is shipped
        in the build tarball to avoid requiring python to build toybox.

newtoys.h: List of NEWTOY() or OLDTOY() macros for all available commands.
           Associates command_main() functions with command names, provides
           option string for command line parsing (see lib/args.c), specifies
           where to install each command and whether toysh should fork before
           calling it.