view tcc.h @ 453:a70ac19d704b

Stringize patch from Harald van Dijk: Here's a patch to handle spacing during stringizing. It saves an extra integer per token in token strings, containing the token's flags. This can include TOK_FLAG_BOW (beginning of word), indicating that a space needs to be inserted in front. Since this is the only flag of relevance, it wastes space. You might be able to move this flag into a bit in the token number, if the waste concerns you. During macro expansion and macro argument expansion, the token flag of the first token in the replacement is replaced with the token flag of the macro or argument name. This ensures that #define macro replacement #define mkstr(x) str(x) #define str(x) #x mkstr(.macro) becomes ".replacement", despite the space in front of "replacement". Similarly, it ensures that #define macro()replacement #define mkstr(x) str(x) #define str(x) #x mkstr(. macro()) becomes ". replacement". The BOW flag of the result of the # operator is copied from the operator. The BOW flag of the result of the ## operator is copied from its first operand. This makes sure spacing in front of #a and a##b gets preserved. Spacing in between does not need preserving. Spacing after #a or a##b is saved as spacing in front of the next token.
author Rob Landley <>
date Sat, 12 May 2007 19:43:33 -0400
parents 4aa3f7aa86f0
children b28f6437f95d
line wrap: on
line source

 *  TCC - Tiny C Compiler
 *  Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Fabrice Bellard
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "config.h"


#include "tccboot.h"


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ucontext.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#endif /* !CONFIG_TCCBOOT */

#ifndef PAGESIZE
#define PAGESIZE 4096

#include "elf.h"
#include "stab.h"

#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0

#include "libtcc.h"

/* parser debug */
//#define PARSE_DEBUG
/* preprocessor debug */
//#define PP_DEBUG
/* include file debug */
//#define INC_DEBUG

//#define MEM_DEBUG

/* assembler debug */
//#define ASM_DEBUG

/* target selection */
//#define TCC_TARGET_I386   /* i386 code generator */
//#define TCC_TARGET_ARM    /* ARMv4 code generator */
//#define TCC_TARGET_C67    /* TMS320C67xx code generator */

/* default target is I386 */
#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && \
#define TCC_TARGET_I386

#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(TCC_UCLIBC) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && \
#define CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK /* enable bound checking code */

#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_PE)

/* define it to include assembler support */
#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)

/* object format selection */
#if defined(TCC_TARGET_C67)

#define FALSE 0
#define false 0
#define TRUE 1
#define true 1
typedef int BOOL;

/* path to find crt1.o, crti.o and crtn.o. Only needed when generating
   executables or dlls */
#define CONFIG_TCC_CRT_PREFIX "/usr/lib"

#define IFDEF_STACK_SIZE    64
#define VSTACK_SIZE         256
#define STRING_MAX_SIZE     1024
#define PACK_STACK_SIZE     8

#define TOK_HASH_SIZE       8192 /* must be a power of two */
#define TOK_ALLOC_INCR      512  /* must be a power of two */
#define TOK_MAX_SIZE        5 /* token max size in int unit when stored in string */

/* token symbol management */
typedef struct TokenSym {
    struct TokenSym *hash_next;
    struct Sym *sym_define; /* direct pointer to define */
    struct Sym *sym_label; /* direct pointer to label */
    struct Sym *sym_struct; /* direct pointer to structure */
    struct Sym *sym_identifier; /* direct pointer to identifier */
    int tok; /* token number */
    int len;
    char str[1];
} TokenSym;

typedef unsigned short nwchar_t;
typedef int nwchar_t;

typedef struct CString {
    int size; /* size in bytes */
    void *data; /* either 'char *' or 'nwchar_t *' */
    int size_allocated;
    void *data_allocated; /* if non NULL, data has been malloced */
} CString;

/* type definition */
typedef struct CType {
    int t;
    struct Sym *ref;
} CType;

/* constant value */
typedef union CValue {
    long double ld;
    double d;
    float f;
    int i;
    unsigned int ui;
    unsigned int ul; /* address (should be unsigned long on 64 bit cpu) */
    long long ll;
    unsigned long long ull;
    struct CString *cstr;
    void *ptr;
    int tab[1];
} CValue;

/* value on stack */
typedef struct SValue {
    CType type;      /* type */
    unsigned short r;      /* register + flags */
    unsigned short r2;     /* second register, used for 'long long'
                              type. If not used, set to VT_CONST */
    CValue c;              /* constant, if VT_CONST */
    struct Sym *sym;       /* symbol, if (VT_SYM | VT_CONST) */
} SValue;

/* symbol management */
typedef struct Sym {
    int v;    /* symbol token */
    int r;    /* associated register */
    int c;    /* associated number */
    CType type;    /* associated type */
    struct Sym *next; /* next related symbol */
    struct Sym *prev; /* prev symbol in stack */
    struct Sym *prev_tok; /* previous symbol for this token */
} Sym;

/* section definition */
/* XXX: use directly ELF structure for parameters ? */
/* special flag to indicate that the section should not be linked to
   the other ones */
#define SHF_PRIVATE 0x80000000

typedef struct Section {
    unsigned long data_offset; /* current data offset */
    unsigned char *data;       /* section data */
    unsigned long data_allocated; /* used for realloc() handling */
    int sh_name;             /* elf section name (only used during output) */
    int sh_num;              /* elf section number */
    int sh_type;             /* elf section type */
    int sh_flags;            /* elf section flags */
    int sh_info;             /* elf section info */
    int sh_addralign;        /* elf section alignment */
    int sh_entsize;          /* elf entry size */
    unsigned long sh_size;   /* section size (only used during output) */
    unsigned long sh_addr;      /* address at which the section is relocated */
    unsigned long sh_offset;    /* file offset */
    int nb_hashed_syms;      /* used to resize the hash table */
    struct Section *link;    /* link to another section */
    struct Section *reloc;   /* corresponding section for relocation, if any */
    struct Section *hash;     /* hash table for symbols */
    struct Section *next;
    char name[1];           /* section name */
} Section;

typedef struct DLLReference {
    int level;
    char name[1];
} DLLReference;

/* GNUC attribute definition */
typedef struct AttributeDef {
    int aligned;
    int packed; 
    Section *section;
    unsigned char func_call; /* FUNC_CDECL, FUNC_STDCALL, FUNC_FASTCALLx */
    unsigned char dllexport; 
} AttributeDef;

#define SYM_STRUCT     0x40000000 /* struct/union/enum symbol space */
#define SYM_FIELD      0x20000000 /* struct/union field symbol space */
#define SYM_FIRST_ANOM 0x10000000 /* first anonymous sym */

/* stored in 'Sym.c' field */
#define FUNC_NEW       1 /* ansi function prototype */
#define FUNC_OLD       2 /* old function prototype */
#define FUNC_ELLIPSIS  3 /* ansi function prototype with ... */

/* stored in 'Sym.r' field */
#define FUNC_CDECL     0 /* standard c call */
#define FUNC_STDCALL   1 /* pascal c call */
#define FUNC_FASTCALL1 2 /* first param in %eax */
#define FUNC_FASTCALL2 3 /* first parameters in %eax, %edx */
#define FUNC_FASTCALL3 4 /* first parameter in %eax, %edx, %ecx */
#define FUNC_FASTCALLW 5 /* first parameter in %ecx, %edx */

/* field 'Sym.t' for macros */
#define MACRO_OBJ      0 /* object like macro */
#define MACRO_FUNC     1 /* function like macro */

/* field 'Sym.r' for C labels */
#define LABEL_DEFINED  0 /* label is defined */
#define LABEL_FORWARD  1 /* label is forward defined */
#define LABEL_DECLARED 2 /* label is declared but never used */

/* type_decl() types */
#define TYPE_ABSTRACT  1 /* type without variable */
#define TYPE_DIRECT    2 /* type with variable */

#define IO_BUF_SIZE 8192

typedef struct BufferedFile {
    uint8_t *buf_ptr;
    uint8_t *buf_end;
    int fd;
    int line_num;    /* current line number - here to simplify code */
    int ifndef_macro;  /* #ifndef macro / #endif search */
    int ifndef_macro_saved; /* saved ifndef_macro */
    int *ifdef_stack_ptr; /* ifdef_stack value at the start of the file */
    char inc_type;          /* type of include */
    char inc_filename[512]; /* filename specified by the user */
    char filename[1024];    /* current filename - here to simplify code */
    unsigned char buffer[IO_BUF_SIZE + 1]; /* extra size for CH_EOB char */
} BufferedFile;

#define CH_EOB   '\\'       /* end of buffer or '\0' char in file */
#define CH_EOF   (-1)   /* end of file */

/* parsing state (used to save parser state to reparse part of the
   source several times) */
typedef struct ParseState {
    int *macro_ptr;
    int line_num;
    int tok;
    CValue tokc;
} ParseState;

/* used to record tokens */
typedef struct TokenString {
    int *str;
    int len;
    int allocated_len;
    int last_line_num;
} TokenString;

/* include file cache, used to find files faster and also to eliminate
   inclusion if the include file is protected by #ifndef ... #endif */
typedef struct CachedInclude {
    int ifndef_macro;
    int hash_next; /* -1 if none */
    char type; /* '"' or '>' to give include type */
    char filename[1]; /* path specified in #include */
} CachedInclude;


/* additional information about token */
#define TOK_FLAG_BOW   0x0001 /* beginning of word before */
#define TOK_FLAG_BOL   0x0002 /* beginning of line before */
#define TOK_FLAG_BOF   0x0004 /* beginning of file before */
#define TOK_FLAG_ENDIF 0x0008 /* a endif was found matching starting #ifdef */

#define PARSE_FLAG_PREPROCESS 0x0001 /* activate preprocessing */
#define PARSE_FLAG_TOK_NUM    0x0002 /* return numbers instead of TOK_PPNUM */
#define PARSE_FLAG_LINEFEED   0x0004 /* line feed is returned as a
                                        token. line feed is also
                                        returned at eof */
#define PARSE_FLAG_ASM_COMMENTS 0x0008 /* '#' can be used for line comment */
#define SYM_POOL_NB (8192 / sizeof(Sym))

struct TCCState {
    int output_type;
    BufferedFile **include_stack_ptr;
    int *ifdef_stack_ptr;

    /* include file handling */
    char **include_paths;
    int nb_include_paths;
    char **sysinclude_paths;
    int nb_sysinclude_paths;
    CachedInclude **cached_includes;
    int nb_cached_includes;

    char **library_paths;
    int nb_library_paths;

    /* array of all loaded dlls (including those referenced by loaded
       dlls) */
    DLLReference **loaded_dlls;
    int nb_loaded_dlls;

    /* sections */
    Section **sections;
    int nb_sections; /* number of sections, including first dummy section */

    /* got handling */
    Section *got;
    Section *plt;
    unsigned long *got_offsets;
    int nb_got_offsets;
    /* give the correspondance from symtab indexes to dynsym indexes */
    int *symtab_to_dynsym;

    /* temporary dynamic symbol sections (for dll loading) */
    Section *dynsymtab_section;
    /* exported dynamic symbol section */
    Section *dynsym;

    int nostdinc; /* if true, no standard headers are added */
    int nostdlib; /* if true, no standard libraries are added */

    int nocommon; /* if true, do not use common symbols for .bss data */

    /* if true, static linking is performed */
    int static_link;

    /* if true, all symbols are exported */
    int rdynamic;

    /* if true, only link in referenced objects from archive */
    int alacarte_link;

    /* address of text section */
    unsigned long text_addr;
    int has_text_addr;
    /* output format, see TCC_OUTPUT_FORMAT_xxx */
    int output_format;

    /* C language options */
    int char_is_unsigned;
    int leading_underscore;
    /* warning switches */
    int warn_write_strings;
    int warn_unsupported;
    int warn_error;
    int warn_none;
    int warn_implicit_function_declaration;

    /* error handling */
    void *error_opaque;
    void (*error_func)(void *opaque, const char *msg);
    int error_set_jmp_enabled;
    jmp_buf error_jmp_buf;
    int nb_errors;

    /* tiny assembler state */
    Sym *asm_labels;

    /* see include_stack_ptr */
    BufferedFile *include_stack[INCLUDE_STACK_SIZE];

    /* see ifdef_stack_ptr */
    int ifdef_stack[IFDEF_STACK_SIZE];

    /* see cached_includes */
    int cached_includes_hash[CACHED_INCLUDES_HASH_SIZE];

    /* pack stack */
    int pack_stack[PACK_STACK_SIZE];
    int *pack_stack_ptr;

    /* output file for preprocessing */
    FILE *outfile;

/* The current value can be: */
#define VT_VALMASK   0x00ff
#define VT_CONST     0x00f0  /* constant in vc 
                              (must be first non register value) */
#define VT_LLOCAL    0x00f1  /* lvalue, offset on stack */
#define VT_LOCAL     0x00f2  /* offset on stack */
#define VT_CMP       0x00f3  /* the value is stored in processor flags (in vc) */
#define VT_JMP       0x00f4  /* value is the consequence of jmp true (even) */
#define VT_JMPI      0x00f5  /* value is the consequence of jmp false (odd) */
#define VT_LVAL      0x0100  /* var is an lvalue */
#define VT_SYM       0x0200  /* a symbol value is added */
#define VT_MUSTCAST  0x0400  /* value must be casted to be correct (used for
                                char/short stored in integer registers) */
#define VT_MUSTBOUND 0x0800  /* bound checking must be done before
                                dereferencing value */
#define VT_BOUNDED   0x8000  /* value is bounded. The address of the
                                bounding function call point is in vc */
#define VT_LVAL_BYTE     0x1000  /* lvalue is a byte */
#define VT_LVAL_SHORT    0x2000  /* lvalue is a short */
#define VT_LVAL_UNSIGNED 0x4000  /* lvalue is unsigned */

/* types */
#define VT_INT        0  /* integer type */
#define VT_BYTE       1  /* signed byte type */
#define VT_SHORT      2  /* short type */
#define VT_VOID       3  /* void type */
#define VT_PTR        4  /* pointer */
#define VT_ENUM       5  /* enum definition */
#define VT_FUNC       6  /* function type */
#define VT_STRUCT     7  /* struct/union definition */
#define VT_FLOAT      8  /* IEEE float */
#define VT_DOUBLE     9  /* IEEE double */
#define VT_LDOUBLE   10  /* IEEE long double */
#define VT_BOOL      11  /* ISOC99 boolean type */
#define VT_LLONG     12  /* 64 bit integer */
#define VT_LONG      13  /* long integer (NEVER USED as type, only
                            during parsing) */
#define VT_BTYPE      0x000f /* mask for basic type */
#define VT_UNSIGNED   0x0010  /* unsigned type */
#define VT_ARRAY      0x0020  /* array type (also has VT_PTR) */
#define VT_BITFIELD   0x0040  /* bitfield modifier */
#define VT_CONSTANT   0x0800  /* const modifier */
#define VT_VOLATILE   0x1000  /* volatile modifier */
#define VT_SIGNED     0x2000  /* signed type */

/* storage */
#define VT_EXTERN  0x00000080  /* extern definition */
#define VT_STATIC  0x00000100  /* static variable */
#define VT_TYPEDEF 0x00000200  /* typedef definition */
#define VT_INLINE  0x00000400  /* inline definition */

#define VT_STRUCT_SHIFT 16   /* shift for bitfield shift values */

/* type mask (except storage) */
#define VT_TYPE    (~(VT_STORAGE))

/* token values */

/* warning: the following compare tokens depend on i386 asm code */
#define TOK_ULT 0x92
#define TOK_UGE 0x93
#define TOK_EQ  0x94
#define TOK_NE  0x95
#define TOK_ULE 0x96
#define TOK_UGT 0x97
#define TOK_Nset   0x98
#define TOK_Nclear 0x99
#define TOK_LT  0x9c
#define TOK_GE  0x9d
#define TOK_LE  0x9e
#define TOK_GT  0x9f

#define TOK_LAND  0xa0
#define TOK_LOR   0xa1

#define TOK_DEC   0xa2
#define TOK_MID   0xa3 /* inc/dec, to void constant */
#define TOK_INC   0xa4
#define TOK_UDIV  0xb0 /* unsigned division */
#define TOK_UMOD  0xb1 /* unsigned modulo */
#define TOK_PDIV  0xb2 /* fast division with undefined rounding for pointers */
#define TOK_CINT   0xb3 /* number in tokc */
#define TOK_CCHAR 0xb4 /* char constant in tokc */
#define TOK_STR   0xb5 /* pointer to string in tokc */
#define TOK_TWOSHARPS 0xb6 /* ## preprocessing token */
#define TOK_LCHAR    0xb7
#define TOK_LSTR     0xb8
#define TOK_CFLOAT   0xb9 /* float constant */
#define TOK_LINENUM  0xba /* line number info */
#define TOK_CDOUBLE  0xc0 /* double constant */
#define TOK_CLDOUBLE 0xc1 /* long double constant */
#define TOK_UMULL    0xc2 /* unsigned 32x32 -> 64 mul */
#define TOK_ADDC1    0xc3 /* add with carry generation */
#define TOK_ADDC2    0xc4 /* add with carry use */
#define TOK_SUBC1    0xc5 /* add with carry generation */
#define TOK_SUBC2    0xc6 /* add with carry use */
#define TOK_CUINT    0xc8 /* unsigned int constant */
#define TOK_CLLONG   0xc9 /* long long constant */
#define TOK_CULLONG  0xca /* unsigned long long constant */
#define TOK_ARROW    0xcb
#define TOK_DOTS     0xcc /* three dots */
#define TOK_SHR      0xcd /* unsigned shift right */
#define TOK_PPNUM    0xce /* preprocessor number */

#define TOK_SHL   0x01 /* shift left */
#define TOK_SAR   0x02 /* signed shift right */
/* assignement operators : normal operator or 0x80 */
#define TOK_A_MOD 0xa5
#define TOK_A_AND 0xa6
#define TOK_A_MUL 0xaa
#define TOK_A_ADD 0xab
#define TOK_A_SUB 0xad
#define TOK_A_DIV 0xaf
#define TOK_A_XOR 0xde
#define TOK_A_OR  0xfc
#define TOK_A_SHL 0x81
#define TOK_A_SAR 0x82

#ifndef offsetof
#define offsetof(type, field) ((size_t) &((type *)0)->field)

#ifndef countof
#define countof(tab) (sizeof(tab) / sizeof((tab)[0]))

/* WARNING: the content of this string encodes token numbers */
static unsigned char tok_two_chars[] = "<=\236>=\235!=\225&&\240||\241++\244--\242==\224<<\1>>\2+=\253-=\255*=\252/=\257%=\245&=\246^=\336|=\374->\313..\250##\266";

#define TOK_EOF       (-1)  /* end of file */
#define TOK_LINEFEED  10    /* line feed */

/* all identificators and strings have token above that */
#define TOK_IDENT 256

/* only used for i386 asm opcodes definitions */
#define DEF_ASM(x) DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)

#define DEF_BWL(x) \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## b, #x "b") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## w, #x "w") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## l, #x "l") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)

#define DEF_WL(x) \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## w, #x "w") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x ## l, #x "l") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## x, #x)

#define DEF_FP1(x) \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## s, "f" #x "s") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## fi ## x ## l, "fi" #x "l") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## l, "f" #x "l") \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## fi ## x ## s, "fi" #x "s")

#define DEF_FP(x) \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x, "f" #x ) \
 DEF(TOK_ASM_ ## f ## x ## p, "f" #x "p") \

#define DEF_ASMTEST(x) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## o) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## no) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## b) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## c) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nae) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nb) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nc) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## ae) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## e) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## z) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## ne) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nz) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## be) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## na) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nbe) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## a) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## s) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## ns) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## p) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## pe) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## np) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## po) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## l) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nge) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nl) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## ge) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## le) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## ng) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## nle) \
 DEF_ASM(x ## g)

#define TOK_ASM_int TOK_INT

enum tcc_token {
#define DEF(id, str) id,
#include "tcctok.h"
#undef DEF

static const char tcc_keywords[] = 
#define DEF(id, str) str "\0"
#include "tcctok.h"
#undef DEF


#ifdef WIN32
int __stdcall GetModuleFileNameA(void *, char *, int);
void *__stdcall GetProcAddress(void *, const char *);
void *__stdcall GetModuleHandleA(const char *);
void *__stdcall LoadLibraryA(const char *);
int __stdcall FreeConsole(void);
int __stdcall VirtualProtect(void*,int,int,int*);

#define snprintf _snprintf
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#ifndef __GNUC__
  #define strtold (long double)strtod
  #define strtof (float)strtod
  #define strtoll (long long)strtol
#elif defined(TCC_UCLIBC) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
/* currently incorrect */
static inline long double strtold(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
    return (long double)strtod(nptr, endptr);
static inline float strtof(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
    return (float)strtod(nptr, endptr);
/* XXX: need to define this to use them in non ISOC99 context */
extern float strtof (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr);
extern long double strtold (const char *__nptr, char **__endptr);

static char *pstrcpy(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s);
static char *pstrcat(char *buf, int buf_size, const char *s);
static const char *tcc_basename(const char *name);

static void next(void);
static void next_nomacro(void);
static void parse_expr_type(CType *type);
static void expr_type(CType *type);
static void unary_type(CType *type);
static void block(int *bsym, int *csym, int *case_sym, int *def_sym, 
                  int case_reg, int is_expr);
static int expr_const(void);
static void expr_eq(void);
static void gexpr(void);
static void gen_inline_functions(void);
static void decl(int l);
static void decl_initializer(CType *type, Section *sec, unsigned long c, 
                             int first, int size_only);
static void decl_initializer_alloc(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int r, 
                                   int has_init, int v, int scope);
int gv(int rc);
void gv2(int rc1, int rc2);
void move_reg(int r, int s);
void save_regs(int n);
void save_reg(int r);
void vpop(void);
void vswap(void);
void vdup(void);
int get_reg(int rc);
int get_reg_ex(int rc,int rc2);

struct macro_level {
    struct macro_level *prev;
    int *p;

static void macro_subst(TokenString *tok_str, Sym **nested_list, 
                        const int *macro_str, struct macro_level **can_read_stream);
void gen_op(int op);
void force_charshort_cast(int t);
static void gen_cast(CType *type);
void vstore(void);
static Sym *sym_find(int v);
static Sym *sym_push(int v, CType *type, int r, int c);

/* type handling */
static int type_size(CType *type, int *a);
static inline CType *pointed_type(CType *type);
static int pointed_size(CType *type);
static int lvalue_type(int t);
static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad);
static void type_decl(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int *v, int td);
static int is_compatible_types(CType *type1, CType *type2);

int ieee_finite(double d);
void error(const char *fmt, ...);
void vpushi(int v);
void vrott(int n);
void vnrott(int n);
void lexpand_nr(void);
static void vpush_global_sym(CType *type, int v);
void vset(CType *type, int r, int v);
void type_to_str(char *buf, int buf_size, 
                 CType *type, const char *varstr);
char *get_tok_str(int v, CValue *cv);
static Sym *get_sym_ref(CType *type, Section *sec, 
                        unsigned long offset, unsigned long size);
static Sym *external_global_sym(int v, CType *type, int r);

/* section generation */
static void section_realloc(Section *sec, unsigned long new_size);
static void *section_ptr_add(Section *sec, unsigned long size);
static void put_extern_sym(Sym *sym, Section *section, 
                           unsigned long value, unsigned long size);
static void greloc(Section *s, Sym *sym, unsigned long addr, int type);
static int put_elf_str(Section *s, const char *sym);
static int put_elf_sym(Section *s, 
                       unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
                       int info, int other, int shndx, const char *name);
static int add_elf_sym(Section *s, unsigned long value, unsigned long size,
                       int info, int other, int sh_num, const char *name);
static void put_elf_reloc(Section *symtab, Section *s, unsigned long offset,
                          int type, int symbol);
static void put_stabs(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc, 
                      unsigned long value);
static void put_stabs_r(const char *str, int type, int other, int desc, 
                        unsigned long value, Section *sec, int sym_index);
static void put_stabn(int type, int other, int desc, int value);
static void put_stabd(int type, int other, int desc);
static int tcc_add_dll(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags);

#define AFF_PRINT_ERROR     0x0001 /* print error if file not found */
#define AFF_REFERENCED_DLL  0x0002 /* load a referenced dll from another dll */
#define AFF_PREPROCESS      0x0004 /* preprocess file */
static int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s, const char *filename, int flags);

/* tcccoff.c */
int tcc_output_coff(TCCState *s1, FILE *f);

/* tccpe.c */
static void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, int type);
int pe_load_def_file(struct TCCState *s1, FILE *fp);
void pe_setup_paths(struct TCCState *s1, int *p_output_type, const char **p_outfile, char *first_file);
unsigned long pe_add_runtime(struct TCCState *s1);
int tcc_output_pe(struct TCCState *s1, const char *filename);

/* tccasm.c */


typedef struct ExprValue {
    uint32_t v;
    Sym *sym;
} ExprValue;


typedef struct ASMOperand {
    int id; /* GCC 3 optionnal identifier (0 if number only supported */
    char *constraint;
    char asm_str[16]; /* computed asm string for operand */
    SValue *vt; /* C value of the expression */
    int ref_index; /* if >= 0, gives reference to a output constraint */
    int input_index; /* if >= 0, gives reference to an input constraint */
    int priority; /* priority, used to assign registers */
    int reg; /* if >= 0, register number used for this operand */
    int is_llong; /* true if double register value */
    int is_memory; /* true if memory operand */
    int is_rw;     /* for '+' modifier */
} ASMOperand;

static void asm_expr(TCCState *s1, ExprValue *pe);
static int asm_int_expr(TCCState *s1);
static int find_constraint(ASMOperand *operands, int nb_operands, 
                           const char *name, const char **pp);

static int tcc_assemble(TCCState *s1, int do_preprocess);


static void asm_instr(void);
static void asm_global_instr(void);

/* true if float/double/long double type */
static inline int is_float(int t)
    int bt;
    bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
    return bt == VT_LDOUBLE || bt == VT_DOUBLE || bt == VT_FLOAT;

/* true if long long type */
static inline int is_llong(int t)
    int bt;
    bt = t & VT_BTYPE;
    return bt == VT_LLONG;


#define RTLD_LAZY       0x001
#define RTLD_NOW        0x002
#define RTLD_GLOBAL     0x100

typedef struct TCCSyms {
    char *str;
    void *ptr;
} TCCSyms;

#define TCCSYM(a) { #a, &a, },

/* add the symbol you want here if no dynamic linking is done */
static TCCSyms tcc_syms[] = {
#if !defined(CONFIG_TCCBOOT)
    { NULL, NULL },

static void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *symbol, int type)
    TCCSyms *p;
    p = tcc_syms;
    while (p->str != NULL) {
        if (!strcmp(p->str, symbol))
            return p->ptr;
    return NULL;

/* dummy function for profiling */
void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flag)
    return NULL;

const char *dlerror(void)
    return "error";

#elif !defined(WIN32)

#include <dlfcn.h>

static inline void *resolve_sym(TCCState *s1, const char *sym, int type)
    return dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, sym);
