diff root-filesystem.sh @ 711:20ba34b54140

Rename mini-native.sh to root-filesystem.sh, since that's what it builds.
author Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
date Thu, 09 Apr 2009 23:53:05 -0500
parents mini-native.sh@64cc63ad26ce
children 9282f84b31a1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/root-filesystem.sh	Thu Apr 09 23:53:05 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+# Get lots of predefined environment variables and shell functions.
+source sources/include.sh || exit 1
+# Purple.  And why not?
+echo -e "$NATIVE_COLOR"
+check_for_base_arch root-filesystem || exit 0
+echo "=== Building minimal native development environment"
+rm -rf "${NATIVE_ROOT}"
+# Determine which directory layout we're using
+if [ ! -z "${NATIVE_TOOLSDIR}" ]
+  mkdir -p "${TOOLS}/bin" || dienow
+  # Tell the wrapper script where to find the dynamic linker.
+  export UCLIBC_DYNAMIC_LINKER=/tools/lib/ld-uClibc.so.0
+  mkdir -p "${NATIVE_ROOT}"/{tmp,proc,sys,dev,etc,home} || dienow
+  for i in bin sbin lib
+  do
+    mkdir -p "$TOOLS/$i" || dienow
+    ln -s "usr/$i" "${NATIVE_ROOT}/$i" || dienow
+  done
+# Copy qemu setup script and so on.
+cp -r "${SOURCES}/native/." "${TOOLS}/" &&
+cp "$SRCDIR"/MANIFEST "${TOOLS}/src" || dienow
+if [ -z "${NATIVE_TOOLSDIR}" ]
+  sed -i -e 's@/tools/@/usr/@g' "${TOOLS}/sbin/init.sh" || dienow
+# Install Linux kernel headers.
+setupfor linux
+# Install Linux kernel headers (for use by uClibc).
+make headers_install -j "$CPUS" ARCH="${KARCH}" INSTALL_HDR_PATH="${TOOLS}" &&
+# This makes some very old package builds happy.
+ln -s ../sys/user.h "${TOOLS}/include/asm/page.h" &&
+cd ..
+cleanup linux
+# Build and install uClibc.  (We could just copy the one from the compiler
+# toolchain, but this is cleaner.)
+setupfor uClibc
+make CROSS="${ARCH}-" KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG="$(getconfig uClibc)" allnoconfig &&
+cp .config "${TOOLS}"/src/config-uClibc || dienow
+# Alas, if we feed install and install_utils to make at the same time with
+# -j > 1, it dies.  Not SMP safe.
+for i in install install_utils
+  make CROSS="${ARCH}-" KERNEL_HEADERS="${TOOLS}/include" \
+       UCLIBC_LDSO_NAME=ld-uClibc -j $CPUS $i || dienow
+cd ..
+cleanup uClibc
+# Build and install toybox
+setupfor toybox
+make defconfig &&
+if [ -z "$USE_TOYBOX" ]
+  make CROSS="${ARCH}-" &&
+  cp toybox "$TOOLS/bin" &&
+  ln -s toybox "$TOOLS/bin/patch" &&
+  ln -s toybox "$TOOLS/bin/oneit" &&
+  ln -s toybox "$TOOLS/bin/netcat" &&
+  cd ..
+  make install_flat PREFIX="${TOOLS}"/bin CROSS="${ARCH}-" &&
+  rm "${TOOLS}"/bin/sh &&  # Bash won't install if this exists.
+  cd ..
+cleanup toybox
+# Build and install busybox
+setupfor busybox
+make allyesconfig KCONFIG_ALLCONFIG="${SOURCES}/trimconfig-busybox" &&
+make busybox.links &&
+cp busybox "${TOOLS}/bin"
+[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow
+for i in $(sed 's@.*/@@' busybox.links)
+  ln -s busybox "${TOOLS}/bin/$i" # || dienow
+cd ..
+cleanup busybox
+if [ "$NATIVE_TOOLCHAIN" == "none" ]
+    # If we're not installing a compiler, delete the headers, static libs,
+	# and example source code.
+    rm -rf "${TOOLS}"/include &&
+    rm -rf "${TOOLS}"/lib/*.a &&
+    rm -rf "${TOOLS}/src" || dienow
+elif [ "$NATIVE_TOOLCHAIN" == "headers" ]
+# If you want to use a compiler other than gcc, you need to keep the headers,
+# so do nothing here.
+  echo
+# Build and install native binutils
+setupfor binutils build-binutils
+CC="${ARCH}-gcc" AR="${ARCH}-ar" "${CURSRC}/configure" --prefix="${TOOLS}" \
+  --build="${CROSS_HOST}" --host="${CROSS_TARGET}" --target="${CROSS_TARGET}" \
+  --disable-nls --disable-shared --disable-multilib --program-prefix= \
+  --disable-werror $BINUTILS_FLAGS &&
+make -j $CPUS configure-host &&
+make -j $CPUS &&
+make -j $CPUS install &&
+cd .. &&
+mkdir -p "${TOOLS}/include" &&
+cp binutils/include/libiberty.h "${TOOLS}/include"
+cleanup binutils build-binutils
+# Build and install native gcc, with c++ support this time.
+setupfor gcc-core build-gcc
+setupfor gcc-g++ build-gcc gcc-core
+# GCC tries to "help out in the kitchen" by screwing up the linux include
+# files.  Cut out those bits with sed and throw them away.
+sed -i 's@^STMP_FIX.*@@' "${CURSRC}/gcc/Makefile.in" &&
+# GCC has some deep assumptions about the name of the cross-compiler it should
+# be using.  These assumptions are wrong, and lots of redundant corrections
+# are required to make it stop.
+CC="${ARCH}-gcc" GCC_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-gcc" CC_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-gcc" \
+  AR="${ARCH}-ar" AR_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-ar" AS="${ARCH}-as" LD="${ARCH}-ld" \
+  ac_cv_path_AR_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-ar" \
+  ac_cv_path_RANLIB_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-ranlib" \
+  ac_cv_path_NM_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-nm" \
+  NM="${ARCH}-nm" NM_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-nm" CXX_FOR_TARGET="${ARCH}-g++" \
+  "${CURSRC}/configure" --prefix="${TOOLS}" --disable-multilib \
+  --build="${CROSS_HOST}" --host="${CROSS_TARGET}" --target="${CROSS_TARGET}" \
+  --enable-long-long --enable-c99 --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix \
+  --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++ \
+  --disable-libstdcxx-pch --program-prefix="" \
+  $GCC_FLAGS &&
+mkdir gcc &&
+ln -s `which "${ARCH}-gcc"` gcc/xgcc &&
+make -j $CPUS configure-host &&
+make -j $CPUS all-gcc &&
+# Work around gcc bug; we disabled multilib but it doesn't always notice.
+ln -s lib "$TOOLS/lib64" &&
+make -j $CPUS install-gcc &&
+rm "$TOOLS/lib64" &&
+ln -s gcc "${TOOLS}/bin/cc" &&
+# Now we need to beat libsupc++ out of gcc (which uClibc++ needs to build).
+# But don't want to build the whole of libstdc++-v3 because
+# A) we're using uClibc++ instead,  B) the build breaks.
+make -j $CPUS configure-target-libstdc++-v3 &&
+cd "$CROSS_TARGET"/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ &&
+make -j $CPUS &&
+mv .libs/libsupc++.a "$TOOLS"/lib &&
+cd ../../../..
+cleanup gcc-core build-gcc
+# Move the gcc internal libraries and headers somewhere sane, and
+# build and install gcc wrapper script.
+mkdir -p "${TOOLS}"/gcc &&
+mv "${TOOLS}"/lib/gcc/*/*/include "${TOOLS}"/gcc/include &&
+mv "${TOOLS}"/lib/gcc/*/* "${TOOLS}"/gcc/lib &&
+mv "${TOOLS}/bin/gcc" "${TOOLS}/bin/rawgcc" &&
+"${ARCH}-gcc" "${SOURCES}"/toys/ccwrap.c -Os -s -o "${TOOLS}/bin/gcc" \
+# Wrap C++
+mv "${TOOLS}/bin/g++" "${TOOLS}/bin/rawg++" &&
+ln "${TOOLS}/bin/gcc" "${TOOLS}/bin/g++" &&
+rm "${TOOLS}/bin/c++" &&
+ln -s g++ "${TOOLS}/bin/c++"
+cleanup "${TOOLS}"/{lib/gcc,gcc/lib/install-tools,bin/${ARCH}-unknown-*}
+# Tell future packages to link against the libraries in root-filesystem,
+# rather than the ones in the cross compiler directory.
+# Build and install uClibc++
+setupfor uClibc++
+CROSS= make defconfig &&
+sed -r -i 's/(UCLIBCXX_HAS_(TLS|LONG_DOUBLE))=y/# \1 is not set/' .config &&
+sed -r -i '/UCLIBCXX_RUNTIME_PREFIX=/s/".*"/""/' .config &&
+CROSS= make oldconfig &&
+CROSS="$ARCH"- make &&
+CROSS= make install PREFIX="${TOOLS}/c++" &&
+# Move libraries somewhere useful.
+mv "${TOOLS}"/c++/lib/* "${TOOLS}"/lib &&
+rm -rf "${TOOLS}"/c++/{lib,bin} &&
+ln -s libuClibc++.so "${TOOLS}"/lib/libstdc++.so &&
+ln -s libuClibc++.a "${TOOLS}"/lib/libstdc++.a &&
+cd ..
+cleanup uClibc++
+# Build and install make
+setupfor make
+CC="${ARCH}-gcc" ./configure --prefix="${TOOLS}" --build="${CROSS_HOST}" \
+  --host="${CROSS_TARGET}" &&
+make -j $CPUS &&
+make -j $CPUS install &&
+cd ..
+cleanup make
+# Remove the busybox /bin/sh link so the bash install doesn't get upset.
+rm "$TOOLS"/bin/sh
+# Build and install bash.  (Yes, this is an old version.  I prefer it.)
+# I plan to replace it with toysh anyway.
+setupfor bash
+# wire around some tests ./configure can't run when cross-compiling.
+cat > config.cache << EOF &&
+CC="${ARCH}-gcc" RANLIB="${ARCH}-ranlib" ./configure --prefix="${TOOLS}" \
+  --build="${CROSS_HOST}" --host="${CROSS_TARGET}" --cache-file=config.cache \
+  --without-bash-malloc --disable-readline &&
+# note: doesn't work with -j
+make &&
+make install &&
+# Make bash the default shell.
+ln -s bash "${TOOLS}/bin/sh" &&
+cd ..
+cleanup bash
+setupfor distcc
+CC="${ARCH}-cc" ./configure --host="${CROSS_TARGET}" --prefix="${TOOLS}" \
+  --with-included-popt --disable-Werror &&
+make -j $CPUS &&
+make -j $CPUS install &&
+mkdir -p "${TOOLS}/distcc" || dienow
+for i in gcc cc g++ c++
+  ln -s ../bin/distcc "${TOOLS}/distcc/$i" || dienow
+cd ..
+cleanup distcc
+# Put statically and dynamically linked hello world programs on there for
+# test purposes.
+"${ARCH}-gcc" "${SOURCES}/toys/hello.c" -Os -s -o "${TOOLS}/bin/hello-dynamic"  &&
+"${ARCH}-gcc" "${SOURCES}/toys/hello.c" -Os -s -static -o "${TOOLS}/bin/hello-static"
+[ $? -ne 0 ] && dienow
+# Delete some unneeded files
+rm -rf "${TOOLS}"/{info,man,libexec/gcc/*/*/install-tools}
+# Clean up and package the result
+"${ARCH}-strip" "${TOOLS}"/{bin/*,sbin/*,libexec/gcc/*/*/*}
+"${ARCH}-strip" --strip-unneeded "${TOOLS}"/lib/*.so
+create_stage_tarball root-filesystem
+if [ ! -z "$NATIVE_RETROFIT_CXX" ]
+  [ -z "$NATIVE_TOOLSDIR" ] && SUBDIR=usr || SUBDIR=tools
+  (cd "${BUILD}/root-filesystem-$ARCH"/$SUBDIR &&
+   tar c c++ lib/*c++* lib/libgcc_s.so* || dienow) |
+    (tar xC "${BUILD}/cross-compiler-$ARCH" || dienow)
+  create_stage_tarball cross-compiler
+# Color back to normal
+echo -e "\e[0mBuild complete"